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为什么要创建混合事件流? Nadine Krefetz,顾问, 现实的软件, 特约编辑,流媒体, asks three leading industry figures about the best use cases for making cloud-based hybrid events versus events that are fully on-prem.

“What are some of the specific things that are done in a hybrid environment?克雷费兹说. “我们这里有哪些(与媒体相关的)用例?”

Loke Dupont,解决方案架构师, TV2, says that encoding is a good media-related use case for hybrid events. “A lot of companies will encode video that are just regular run of the mill, 他们会为此做预算,并为此配备内部设备,他说. “然后突然之间,你可能会授权一个新的内容目录, 你需要在一定时间内摄入. 在这种情况下, 您可以通过正常流程运行它, but it might take a long while because you don't necessarily have spare capacity. It's a relatively easy workload to burst into a cloud environment and run it there and then return it back to on premise. It's also one of the solutions that I think is very well supported by a lot of the encoding vendors…they can send you a physical box, you can plug in and rack somewhere and also the software will handle that automatically and move some of that workload of transcoding video into the cloud. Because it's such a good scenario for something that you do in a batch way, you have all this stuff that you run through and then once you're done with it, 你可以忘了它, 只要拆掉所有的云基础设施,一切都会好起来的. 我认为这绝对是一个经典的用例.”

安迪·比奇,媒体首席技术官 & 娱乐,在世界范围内, 微软, says that disaster recovery is a common use case regarding workflow management systems for the cloud. “所以如果你定期运行10到15个频道的内容, 他们全天候运行, 让他们站起来, 在本地环境中运行它们,他说. “但这将成为你的内容发布的单一失败点. 所以你通常会建立一些次要的站点和来源, and it's very easy to make that the cloud so that if the signal goes down on the first facility, 如果那个地区停电或者发生了灾难, 地震或者别的什么, then the systems switch over automatically to that secondary space if it's in a cloud. Infrastructure is only spun up for the time period that it's needed until you do the recovery and revert back to your primary sources.”

John Jacobs, Field CISO, Fortinet他说:“这可能是最容易理解的用例. 我们见过很多人说, 他说,我们不会把这笔钱花在灾难恢复上,’这是完美的. 它在那里。, 从第一次实例化开始,它就可以在云中使用, 你想要的时候它就开着,然后就关了.”

Krefetz says, “So for disaster recovery, is it more common to go multi-cloud or single cloud?”

海滩上说, “这是个好问题, and it really depends on the comfort level of the engineering group or the ops group. 通常人们会从一个开始, and then there will be an outage in that cloud because even clouds have outages at times. 所以他们会为备份做备份. And so it becomes a scenario where you likely start with an individual one, 但是随着时间的推移,你会有尽可能多的备份. There's a reason I have four keys to my house strategically placed where I know where to find them. 我喜欢备份!”

了解有关编码、混合和云流工作流的更多信息 流媒体东部2023.

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One concern with migrating streaming infrastructure and content storage from on-prem to the cloud is ensuring that your content assets are just as accessible via remote data centers as when you had them all stored in physical proximity on-site. CBS体育节目科里·史密斯报道, signant的Rick Capstraw, Telestream的理查德·安第斯报道, and IntelliVid 研究's Steve Vonder Haar discuss the attendant challenges and how to overcome them in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


One of the popular arguments in favor of cloud migration for streaming producers concerns the economics of scalability. CBS体育的科里·史密斯报道, Intellivid 研究的Steve Vonder Haar说, and Loke Dupont of TV2 in Denmark discuss the key benefits of moving to cloud streaming workflows in this clip from their panel at 流媒体 Connect 2023.


保护基于云的流是一个关键问题, 与保护本地流架构有很大不同. Fortinet's John Jacobs discusses the critical challenges and explains how it's done in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


流媒体的优势在哪里? Experts from Disney Streaming and Amazon Web Services offer their take in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


Netflix's Andrey Norkin discusses challenges Netflix has faced rolling out AV1 support given persisting hardware and device issues in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


LinkedIn's Dan Swiney and Lockheed Martin's Eric Hards discuss how their organizations' approach to events and internal meetings has evolved since the pandemic's start in this panel from 流媒体 West 2022.

混合动力vs .的利弊. 数字领先事件

090 Media's Alex Lindsay discusses the challenges of engaging remote streaming audiences with hybrid events and the advantages of digital-first productions in this clip from 流媒体 West 2022.


微软's Andy Beach and LiveX's Corey Behnke discuss best practices for delivering effective hybrid and virtual events using streaming technology in this clip from 流媒体 West 2022.


Hosting a successful hybrid event means understanding how to create the best virtual and in-person event strategy while ensuring that event organizers prepare for all possible variables.


以其闪电般快速的动作和强烈的高动态图形, livestreamed esports presents unique encoding challenges for outfits like Activision Blizzard that need to delivery top-quality streams to mass gaming audiences all the time. 在这段来自流媒体连接的剪辑中, Blizzard's Corey Smith explains how they do it and what they prioritize along the way.


Streaming Learning Center's Jan Ozer explains how Netflix's shot-based works and explains its benefits in this clip from his presentation at 流媒体 Connect 2021.

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